Matching Funds

Matching funds are an excellent way to boost donations and encourage giving. These funds are extra contributions made to your organization by a donor, company, community partner, or a combination of these sources.


Matching Funds Ask Template Not sure how to ask for a matching fund? We created this ask template to help you talk about and secure a matching fund for El Paso Giving Day!


What are matching funds? How do they work? Matching funds are additional dollars contributed directly to your nonprofit from a donor, company, or community partner (or some combination) to help encourage donations to your nonprofit. Matching funds are 1:1 matches, which allows dollars to double!

Does the Paso del Norte Community Foundation manage our matching funds? No, it is up to each organization to go out and find their own matching funds, as these are handled entirely by their staff independently. In some cases, Paso del Norte Community Foundation will notify nonprofit organizations of matching fund opportunties secured through our Partners in Philanthropy.

Will my matching funds appear on my nonprofit profile? Yes, your match amount will be listed on your profile page in your donations section.

How do I enter my organizations matching funds? If your nonprofit organization has secured matching funds, please complete the matching funds commitement form and return to Andrea Macias, before September 30. Donors should issue the gift to the Paso del Norte Community Foundation and not through the website/platform. Matching funds should will be entered as a cumulative amount per matching fund type in your nonprofit profile.

Please reach out to Andrea Macias, for the matching funds form.