El Paso Matters
El Paso Matters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that focuses on in-depth and investigative news about the most important issues facing our region, including local government accountability, education, health care, climate change and immigration. Our reporting helps provide crucial context about the border that often is missing in national news reporting. Created in 2020, El Paso Matters has been repeatedly recognized as one of the nation's best local nonprofit news organizations.

Causes: Education, Environment, Migration

El Paso deserves one of the best local nonprofit news organizations in the country, and we rely on your support to be able to do this important work. It takes $15,000 a week to pay for our journalists. On El Paso Giving Day, we want to raise enough money to pay for at least two weeks of our in-depth and investigative reporting in 2024.

Our Progress
Our Goal $30,000
Total Amount Raised
Number of Donations
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